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A comprehensive guide to Canada startup visa

Canada Startup Visa

What is the Canada startup visa program?

The Startup Visa Program is a program for entrepreneurs who want to start a business in Canada. To be eligible, you must demonstrate that you have the support of a designated organization. You can then apply for permanent residency. If your application is approved, you will be one of the designated immigrant entrepreneurs who can start a business in Canada. This program helps newcomers get their businesses off the ground and creates jobs for Canadians. The visa program offers many benefits, including access to startup funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities, as well as direct permanent residency, known as PR, to entrepreneurs and their spouses and children under 22 years of age. If you are thinking about starting a business in Canada, the Canada Startup Visa could be the perfect option for you.

Who is Canada's startup visa for?

The Canada Startup Visa is a great option for entrepreneurs who want to start a business in Canada. This visa is for individuals who have an entrepreneurial idea and want to come to Canada to start their own business. The main requirements for this visa are that the applicant must have a valid Canadian work permit, be nominated by a designated organization, and have a minimum of $200,000 in investment funds.

This visa is a great option for entrepreneurs who have a great business idea but may not have the necessary funds to start their own business in their home country. The Canada Startup Visa allows these individuals to come to Canada and get their businesses started with the help of investment funds from Canadian investors.

If you are an entrepreneur with a great business idea, the Canada Startup Visa could be the perfect option for you.

Coursana Team with 6Success Agent at Spark Center. Coursana.org later received its PR applications in 2021.

Who is an immigrant entrepreneur?

An immigrant entrepreneur is an individual who starts a new business in a country other than their own. In Canada, there is a startup visa that starts allows immigrant entrepreneurs to come to Canada and establish their businesses. This visa is available to individuals who have been recommended by a designated Canadian organization. Immigrant entrepreneurs can apply individually or as a team of a maximum of five people in one startup. 

How can I qualify for Canada's startup visa program?

To be eligible for a startup visa, you must hold at least 10% of the voting rights attached to all shares in the company, and you must have an active role in the day-to-day management of the business. In addition, your business idea would actually need to be endorsed by a designated organization. To be considered a qualifying business, your company must be incorporated in Canada and actively pursuing business activities. Together with the designated organization, you must also create a business plan that outlines your company's potential for commercial success.

The Start-up Visa Program is a new program that was created by the Canadian government to attract foreign entrepreneurs. To be eligible for the program, you must meet the following requirements:

1) You must have a business idea that you can pitch to a designated Canadian investor.

2) You must have at least two years of experience in running a business.

3) You must be able to show that you have the skills and resources necessary to start a business in Canada.

4) Your business must be able to create at least one job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

5) You must be able to show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while you are starting your business.

6) You must live in Canada while your business gets off the ground.

Language testing for Canada start-up visa

As part of the application process for the Canada Start-Up Visa, applicants must take a language test and achieve a score that meets the minimum requirements. The IELTS exam is one of the most popular language tests for this purpose, and applicants who achieve a score of at least 5.0 in the Canadian Language Benchmark are eligible for the visa. Immigration, refugees, and citizenship in Canada (IRCC) accept different language tests, including:

How does the startup visa program work?

The Startup Visa Program is designed to help entrepreneurs immigrate to Canada. The program allows entrepreneurs to apply for a visa through a designated organization, such as a business incubator or angel investor group. If the entrepreneur is approved for the visa, they can start their own business in Canada. The Startup Visa Program is a program designed to help entrepreneurs immigrate to Canada. The program is open to immigrants who have been nominated by a Canadian venture capital fund, angel investor group, or business incubator.

To be eligible for the program, immigrants must demonstrate that they have the skills and experience to start a business in Canada. They must also show that they have access to the required financing. Once approved, immigrants will receive a work permit that will allow them to live and work in Canada for up to two years. The Startup Visa Program is seen as a way to attract entrepreneurs and help grow the Canadian economy. The program has successfully attracted entrepreneurs from around the world.

If you have an innovative and scalable idea, you can apply it to a designated organization to be considered for an incubation program. Immigrant entrepreneurs can apply individually or as a team of a maximum of five people. If approved by the designated organization, you will attend a training program and, in the end, will receive a certificate called a letter of support. You can apply for a permanent residency program with a letter of support.

What are the requirements of the startup or idea to qualify for a Canada startup visa?

A qualifying startup business is a business that is less than five years old and has raised less than $5 million in funding. The business must also be headquartered in Canada and have at least 51% of its employees located in Canada. To be eligible for the Startup Visa Program, the business must be endorsed by a designated organization. The organization must have voting rights within the organization and be able to confirm that the business meets the eligibility criteria.

Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada that:

  • are innovative and future proof

  • can create jobs for Canadians

  • is scalable and can compete globally

What is a designated organization?

A designated organization is a Canadian organization authorized to act on behalf of the IRCC to evaluate business and startup ideas and issue a letter of support for entrepreneurs who want to start a business in Canada. A designated organization can help you apply for a startup visa, which allows you to live in Canada while you start your business. There are three different types of designated organizations in Canada. You can see the list of designated organizations here.

  1. Angel investors

  2. Venture Capital Funds

  3. Business Incubators

Although these organizations can issue a letter of support, their operation, valuation, and assessment are completely different.

Angel investors

are wealthy individuals who invest $75000 Canadian dollars into your startup idea and, in return, issue letters of support. Since they are invested in your startup, they will be working with you along the way to help and support you in launching your startup in Canada. You should not, however, expect them to be fully engaged in the day-to-day operations of your startups.

Venture Capital Funds

Venture capital funds are firms that invest in promising startups, typically at higher valuations. To receive the capital and letter of support for the Canada startup visa program, you should have the venture capital organizations invest at least $200000 Canadian dollars into your startup. This is a good option for entrepreneurs and startups who are typically up and running and already have some revenue. Due to the nature of the investment, startups don’t receive the Letter of support at the beginning of the process. They often have to complete milestones to receive funding and get closer to receiving letters of support. Among all three groups, startups have a higher chance of success in launching a successful business in Canada through venture capital due to the injection of funding and their support system and resources that can help you resolve your startup problems.

Business incubators

Business incubators are considered the easiest way to acquire a letter of support for the three. I want to emphasize that getting a letter of support from incubators is not easy but compared to other groups, you don’t have to prepare a pitch deck and ask for funding. Instead, you will have to pay an incubation fee to the incubators to be qualified for their program. Incubators still interview founders and validate business ideas to ensure they are a good fit for the startup program.

Good incubators interview founders meticulously to ensure they have a validated business idea and founders are the right fit for the Canada startup visa program.

Designated organizations play an important role in Canada's economy by fostering innovation and helping to create new jobs. They help turn great ideas into reality and provide the resources and support that entrepreneurs need to succeed. If you're considering starting a business in Canada, working with a designated organization is a great way to get started.

What is the startup visa processing time?

The processing time for Canada's startup visa is 32 months at the time of writing this blog. However, this can vary depending on the specific case and the number of applications received. You can always check the updated processing time here. You can check the processing time below.

The stages of the Startup Visa Program

We look at the Canada startup visa program in six stages:

  1. Preparation of the startup or business idea

  2. Contacting the designated organization for admission

  3. Completing the incubation program and receiving the letter of support

  4. Applying for the permanent residency program

  5. continuous development and progress of the startup after acquiring a letter of support

  6. Prepare for peer review

Preparation of the startup or business idea

There are a few things you should do to prepare before applying for the Canada startup visa. One of the most crucial steps is to make sure you validate your business idea and market. You need to validate your business idea. If you are not familiar with the idea validation process, please make sure to read this article. Designated organizations will review your startup and ensure it is feasible and fits the Canada startup visa program.

You'll need to show that you have done your due diligence and have enough data to present to designated organizations. If your idea is interesting and a good fit for the designated organization, they approve your admission to their program. So that you know, having a complete set of documents and data points will later come in handy if your startup gets peer-reviewed.

Designated Organization for admission

Please select the right designated organization for your startup and reach out to them. Many great designated organizations require you to work through a technology agent and not directly with them. This is because they receive a lot of applications, and many of these applications don’t follow the business guidelines, such as the right format of a business plan, what type of information they need to provide, and much more. They typically don’t have enough time and resources to train founders on preparing the right package. They prefer to outsource this to technology agents who have prepared hundreds of applications before and know exactly how to execute them. This way, designated organizations, founders, and consultants win. 6Success is a technology agent for a couple of designated organizations.

Completing the incubation program

At this stage, the startup team goes through dedicated training in which designated organizations teach them the foundations of entrepreneurship and running a startup in Canada. The incubation program can last from two weeks to one year, depending on the designated organization. You will present your business plan, corporate documents, website, resumes, and much more during this period.

This is a crucial stage because the documents produced during this stage will determine the trajectory of your startup.

Can I obtain a work permit while waiting for the startup visa result?

A work permit is not required to come to Canada but may be needed if you plan to work here. If you are coming to Canada to start a business, you may be eligible for the Startup Visa Program, and as a part of that, you can request a work permit. Only essential members of a startup can request a work permit. If your request is granted, then you can come to Canada while you are waiting for your case to be processed and would be able to work on the startup idea inside Canada while waiting for your case feedback. This program requires that you get a commitment certificate from a designated organization. You also need to show that you have support from a designated organization in Canada. If you are approved for the Startup Visa Program, you can apply for permanent residency.

What is the peer review process?

Peer review is a process by which an immigration officer can request that a panel of industry experts assess a startup visa application. The panel will evaluate the business plan, the applicant, and the designated organization. The panel's conclusion is not binding, but it can help a startup company improve its chances of approval.

The process requires you to be actively involved in your start-up idea for at least six months. You must also have worked with your start-up team to develop your idea.