Navigating the Business and Technology Aspects of Canada Startup Visa: A Guide for Immigration Lawyers and Consultants


Overview of Canada Startup Visa Program

Canada is home to some of the world's most innovative startups and entrepreneurs, and the Canadian government has recognized this by introducing the Startup Visa Program. This program is designed to attract talented entrepreneurs and innovators from around the world and give them the opportunity to build their businesses in Canada. However, the process of obtaining a StartUp Visa can be complex, particularly when it comes to the business and technology aspects of the application. This is where immigration lawyers and consultants can play a crucial role in helping their clients navigate the process and succeed in obtaining a Startup Visa.

Starting a business in a new country can be challenging, but the Canada Startup Visa Program provides a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to succeed in a thriving market. With the right support and guidance, startups can quickly establish themselves and make a significant impact.

Importance of Business and Technology in Startup Visa

As a B2B company specializing in startup and technology services for Canadian immigration lawyers and consultants, 6success understands the challenges faced by immigration lawyers and consultants when it comes to the business and technology aspects of the Startup Visa Program. In this article, we will explore the pain points faced by immigration lawyers and consultants and the solutions provided by 6success to help their clients succeed in obtaining a Startup Visa.

Pain Points of Immigration Lawyers in Technology

Immigration lawyers and consultants play a crucial role in helping their clients obtain a Startup Visa, but the business and technology aspects of the application can present challenges for them. Some of the pain points faced by immigration lawyers and consultants include:

Lack of Technical Expertise

Immigration lawyers and consultants often lack the technical expertise required to effectively assess their clients’ business and technology plans. This can make it difficult for them to identify potential weaknesses in their clients' applications and provide them with the necessary support to improve their chances of success.

Limited Access to Resources

Immigration lawyers and consultants often have limited access to the resources and expertise required to support their clients in the business and technology aspects of the Startup Visa Program. This can make it challenging for them to provide their clients with the support they need to succeed in obtaining a Startup Visa.

Time Constraints

The Startup Visa Program requires a significant amount of time and effort, and immigration lawyers and consultants often have a limited amount of time to devote to each client. This can make it difficult for them to provide their clients with the support they need to obtain a Startup Visa.

Inefficient Processes

The Startup Visa Program can be complex and time-consuming, and immigration lawyers and consultants often have to navigate a number of inefficient processes in order to support their clients. This can make it difficult for them to provide their clients with the support they need to succeed in obtaining a Startup Visa.

6success Solutions for Startup Visa

As a leading provider of startup visa services for immigration lawyers and consultants in Canada, 6Success offers comprehensive solutions to help entrepreneurs succeed in the Canada Startup Visa Program. Our services are designed to meet the unique needs of startups and provide them with the support they need to achieve their goals.

To address the pain points faced by immigration lawyers and consultants, 6success provides all-in-one solutions to help their clients succeed in obtaining a Startup Visa.

All-Inclusive Services for Obtaining Letter of Support from Designated Organizations

Plan A covers all the services necessary for obtaining a letter of support from designated organizations. This includes idea development and validation, resume writing, business plan creation, website and app UI/UX design, website development, prototype design, interview preparation for designated organizations, post-loss activity planning, and monthly reporting.

Idea Development and Idea Validation

Our team of experts will work with your clients to develop and validate their business ideas, ensuring that they have a solid foundation for their Startup Visa application.

The Role of Idea Development and Idea Validation in Canada Startup Visa: The Canada Startup Visa Program is designed to help entrepreneurs bring their innovative ideas to life and grow them into successful businesses in Canada. However, before applying for a visa, entrepreneurs must clearly understand their business idea and validate its potential in the market. This is where idea development and validation play a critical role in the success of the visa application.

Idea Development: The process of idea development involves exploring and refining the entrepreneur's initial concept into a concrete business proposal. This includes market research, defining target customers, assessing the competition, and identifying potential challenges and opportunities. A well-developed business idea will not only increase the chances of a successful visa application, but it will also provide a foundation for a successful business.

Idea Validation: Once the idea is developed, the next step is to validate it with potential customers and the market. This involves conducting surveys, focus groups, and market analysis to determine if there is demand for the product or service. The results of this validation will provide valuable insights into the potential of the business and help entrepreneurs make necessary adjustments to their business plan before applying for the visa.

Importance of Idea Development and Validation: The Canada Startup Visa Program is a competitive process, and entrepreneurs must demonstrate the potential of their business ideas to secure a visa. By undertaking idea development and validation, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success by showing that they have a well-researched and validated business idea. This also provides immigration lawyers and consultants with the information they need to effectively support the entrepreneur's visa application.

In conclusion, idea development and validation are critical components of the Canada Startup Visa Program. Entrepreneurs who take the time to fully develop and validate their ideas will increase their chances of success and secure a visa that will allow them to bring their innovative ideas to life in Canada. Immigration lawyers and consultants can play a crucial role in this process by providing guidance and support to entrepreneurs throughout the idea development and validation phases.

Resume Preparation

The Role of Founders' Resumes in the Canada Startup Visa Program: Founders' resumes play a crucial role in the Canada Startup Visa Program as they provide a comprehensive overview of the background and experience of the individuals behind a startup. The immigration authorities, designated organizations and potential investors evaluate these resumes to assess the capabilities of the founders and the viability of their businesses. This article explores the key components of a winning founder's resume and the importance of crafting a well-written and professional document.

Key Components of a Founder’s Resume:

A founder's resume should highlight the relevant experience, education, and accomplishments of the individuals behind the startup. Some of the essential elements of a strong founder’s resume include:

  • Professional summary: A brief overview of the founder's skills, experience, and achievements.

  • Work history: A chronological history of the founder's work experience including the name of the company, the role and responsibilities, and the period of employment.

  • Skills and technical expertise: A list of technical and business-related skills that the founder possesses.

  • Education: The founder's education history including the degree, field of study, and the name of the university.

  • Achievements: A highlight of the founder's most significant accomplishments in their professional and personal life.

Why is a Professional Founders' Resume Important?

A well-written and professional founder’s resume showcases the credibility and competency of the individuals behind the startup. It helps the immigration authorities, designated organizations and investors make informed decisions about the viability of the business. A high-quality founder’s, resume can also increase the chances of obtaining a letter of support from designated organizations and attracting potential investors.

Tips for Crafting a Winning Founders' Resume:

  • Focus on the relevant information: Highlight the information that is relevant to the startup and the immigration authorities.

  • Keep it concise: A founder's resume should be no more than 2-3 pages long.

  • Use keywords: Use keywords relevant to the startup and the Canada Startup Visa Program to improve the visibility of the resume.

  • Use bullet points: Use bullet points to break up large blocks of text and make the resume more readable.

  • Seek professional help: Consider seeking the help of a professional content writer or resume builder to craft a high-quality founders' resume.

In conclusion, the founders' resume plays a crucial role in the Canada Startup Visa Program, and it is essential to crafting a professional, well-written, and comprehensive document. Whether you are preparing the resume on your own or seeking the help of a professional, focus on showcasing your skills, experience, and achievements and highlighting the relevant information to the immigration authorities and designated organizations.

Business Plan Creation

Our team of experts will create a comprehensive and effective business plan, ensuring that the startup has a strong foundation for its Startup Visa application.

The Role of Business Plans in Canada Startup Visa

Canada is a hub for innovative and entrepreneurial minds, and the Startup Visa program provides a path for individuals to bring their ideas to life. One of the critical components of the application process is the business plan, which must showcase the viability of the startup and its potential for success.

Business plans serve as a roadmap for startups and help to clarify their goals and strategies. In the context of the Canada Startup Visa program, the business plan is a crucial document that will be evaluated by designated organizations. These organizations play a critical role in the program, and their endorsement of the business plan is necessary to secure a letter of support and move forward with the application process.

The business plan must provide a clear and concise overview of the startup, including its market, target audience, and revenue model. It must also demonstrate the entrepreneur's ability to manage the business and the potential for growth and scalability. The business plan should be well-researched and based on market trends and data.

In conclusion, the business plan plays a vital role in the Canada Startup Visa program. It is essential for entrepreneurs to invest time and effort into developing a comprehensive and well-structured business plan to increase their chances of success. Seeking the help of experienced professionals, such as 6Success, can provide guidance and support in developing a winning business plan. With the right approach and the right support, entrepreneurs can bring their ideas to life and succeed in the Canada Startup Visa program.

Website and App UI/UX Design

As an entrepreneur looking to start a business in Canada, you'll need to make sure that you have a solid foundation to build your company on. A key part of this foundation is the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of your app, website, or other digital product. This is especially important for those looking to participate in the Canada Startup Visa Program, which requires applicants to demonstrate the viability of their business idea.

Why UI/UX is Important in the Canada Startup Visa Process?

The Canada Startup Visa Program is designed to attract entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to come to Canada and start their businesses. One of the key requirements of the program is that applicants must demonstrate the viability of their business idea. A well-designed app UI/UX can help you do just that.

A well-designed app UI/UX can make a big difference when it comes to convincing potential investors and designated organizations (DO) of the viability of your business idea. A great user interface and experience can help you show that you have a clear understanding of the needs of your target market and that you are dedicated to delivering a high-quality product. Additionally, a well-designed app can help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of being selected for the Canada Startup Visa Program.

The Benefits of Investing in UI/UX Design

Investing in the design of your app's UI/UX can help you achieve many benefits. Here are some of the most important:

  • Increased User Engagement: A well-designed app UI/UX can help increase user engagement and satisfaction, leading to higher levels of customer loyalty and more positive reviews.

  • Improved User Experience: A great app UI/UX design can make a big difference when it comes to improving the overall user experience. This, in turn, can lead to increased user engagement and satisfaction, which is crucial for the success of your business.

  • Better User Retention: A well-designed app UI/UX can also help you retain users, which is crucial for the long-term success of your business.

  • Better Brand Image: A well-designed app UI/UX can also help you build a better brand image, which can be beneficial when it comes to attracting investment and building a strong customer base.

In conclusion, the role of app UI/UX design in the Canada Startup Visa process is crucial. A well-designed app can help you demonstrate the viability of your business idea, increase user engagement and satisfaction, and build a strong brand image. By investing in the design of your app's UI/UX, you can increase your chances of being selected for the Canada Startup Visa Program and help ensure the long-term success of your business.

Website Development

A well-designed website can effectively showcase a startup's business plan and objectives, while also demonstrating the company's viability and potential for success. The website should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and professional, with a focus on highlighting the unique qualities of the startup.

In the Canada Startup Visa Program, the website plays a vital role in the selection process by designated organizations, who are responsible for evaluating applications and providing letters of support. A well-designed website can effectively communicate the startup's business concept, target market, and competitive advantage, and demonstrate the company's potential for growth and profitability.

For startups seeking to make a strong impression on designated organizations, website development services can provide the support and guidance needed to create an effective and professional online presence. This can include website design and development, as well as user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. With the right design and content, a startup's website can effectively showcase its vision and demonstrate its ability to succeed in the competitive world of startups.

In conclusion, the role of website development in the Canada Startup Visa Program is critical for the success of any startup's application. With the help of professional services and expert guidance, startups can create a strong online presence that showcases their business plan, objectives, and potential for success, helping them to gain the support of designated organizations and achieve their goals in the Canada Startup Visa Program.

Prototype Development

For entrepreneurs looking to immigrate to Canada through the Startup Visa Program, having a well-developed prototype can be crucial in securing support from designated organizations. The Canada Startup Visa Program requires that entrepreneurs have a unique and innovative business idea that can contribute to the Canadian economy. A well-designed prototype can help demonstrate the feasibility and potential impact of your idea, and can be a key factor in convincing designated organizations to provide a letter of support.

Prototype development involves creating a working model or mock-up of your product or service. This can help you to test and refine your ideas, and to identify potential challenges or limitations before you invest significant resources into full-scale development. Having a well-designed prototype can also help to attract investment, as it demonstrates that you have taken the time and effort to validate the idea and test its viability.

In the context of the Canada Startup Visa Program, having a well-designed prototype can be especially important. This is because designated organizations play a critical role in the program, and must provide a letter of support before an entrepreneur can be approved for a startup visa. By demonstrating the potential of the idea and the progress you have made in developing it, a prototype can be a powerful tool in securing support from designated organizations.

It's worth noting that prototypes can take many forms, depending on the nature of your idea and your specific business needs. For some startups, a working model or mock-up may be sufficient, while others may require a more advanced prototype that includes hardware, software, or other elements. Whatever form your prototype takes, it's important to ensure that it is well-designed, well-constructed, and thoroughly tested before you present it to designated organizations or other stakeholders.

In conclusion, prototype development is an important aspect of the Canada Startup Visa Program, and can play a crucial role in securing support from designated organizations. Whether you're an entrepreneur with a new business idea or an immigration lawyer or consultant working with startups, investing in prototype development can help to validate your ideas and to demonstrate their potential impact to key stakeholders.

Designated Organizations Interview Preparation

The process of applying for the startup visa is a complex one and requires a thorough understanding of the requirements and procedures involved. One of the critical elements of the application process is the designated organization (DO) interview. The interview is conducted by the designated organization, which acts as a support mechanism for entrepreneurs in the Canada Startup Visa Program.

The purpose of the interview is to assess the viability and potential of the startup and to determine if the entrepreneur is committed to the success of their venture. The designated organization will ask about various aspects of the startup, including the founder's role, financial commitments, and the overall business plan. It's essential for the entrepreneur to be well-prepared for the interview, as this can be a deciding factor in the approval of their application.

As a leading provider of startup visa services, 6Success offers comprehensive support to immigration lawyers and consultants in preparing their clients for the designated organization interview. Our team of experienced professionals has a deep understanding of the requirements and procedures involved in the Canada Startup Visa Program. We provide our clients with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to successfully navigate the interview process.

Our services include preparing the entrepreneur for the interview, coaching them on the best practices, and providing feedback on their performance. We also assist in preparing the required documents and presenting them in the best light possible. Our goal is to ensure that our clients have the best chance of being approved for the Canada Startup Visa Program.

In conclusion, the designated organization interview is a critical component of the Canada Startup Visa application process. Proper preparation is essential for success, and 6Success provides the necessary support and resources to ensure that immigration lawyers and consultants' clients are well-equipped for the interview. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your clients succeed in the Canada Startup Visa Program.

Obtain Letter of Support

At the end of this process, including idea development, resume writing, business plan creation, website and app UI/UX design, website development, prototype design, and designated organization interview preparation,6Success is proud to deliver a confident and valuable letter of support from a designated organization, which is a critical component of the Canada Startup Visa Program. Our team of experts works with each client to understand their business goals and needs and develops a customized plan outlining the next steps and activities required for success. By working with 6Success, startups can feel confident and obtain a letter of support from designated organizations and prepare for the post-letter of support phase of the Canada Startup Visa program.

Post-Loss Activity Planning

As a startup visa immigration lawyer or consultant, you play a crucial role in helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams of starting a successful business in Canada. However, obtaining a letter of support (LOS) from a designated organization is just the beginning. The next step - post-LOS activities - can be challenging and time-consuming for startups, but it is vital for their success.

That's where 6Success’s Post-LOS Activity Planning service comes in. Our team of experts will work closely with your clients to understand their business goals and develop a customized plan that outlines the necessary steps and activities they need to succeed.

We offer guidance and support on various topics, including marketing, business plan updates, SWOT analysis, investor and partner relationships, additional incubation programs, and peer review support. Our team will also help your clients stay up-to-date on IRCC requirements and updates, ensuring they are on track to achieve their permanent residency.

Our post-LOS activity planning services are designed to help your clients navigate the post-LOS phase with confidence, knowing they have the support they need to succeed. By partnering with 6Success, you can provide your clients with the best possible outcome for their startups and ensure their success in the Canada Startup Visa program.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you and your clients succeed.

Post Letter of Support Services

After obtaining a Letter of Support from a designated organization, startups need to continue their efforts to ensure success. 6Success offers ongoing support and guidance in various crucial areas including marketing, go-to-market strategy development, sales planning and CRM development, digitalized business plan, investor and partner relationship management, designated organization update reports, and peer review support. These continuous activities and services are crucial to the success of a startup in the Canada Startup Visa Program. By leveraging the expertise and resources offered by 6Success, startups can remain focused on growth while keeping pace with IRCC requirements and ensuring the success of their business and Canada permanent residency.

We understand that each startup has unique goals and requirements, and that's why we work with them to develop a customized plan outlining the next steps and activities required to achieve their permanent residency. With 6Success, startups can be confident that they are on track to achieve their goals and succeed in the Canada Startup Visa program.

At 6Success, our team of experts provides guidance and support on various post-LOS activities to help startups succeed in the Canada Startup Visa program.

POST Los Continuous Activities and Support for Startup

focuses on post-loss activities and includes three categories of services. Plan C1 covers continuous activities and support for your startup, including marketing activities, go-to-market strategy development, sales planning and CRM development, a digitalized business plan, investor and partner relationship management, designated organization update reports, peer review support, and obtaining a letter of intent.

Marketing Services

Social Media Marketing

As a post-Letter of Support (LOS) activity in the Canada Startup Visa process, social media marketing is an essential tool for promoting your business and building your brand's online presence. Our team will help you set up and optimize your social media profiles on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Our social media marketing strategies will help you reach a larger audience and engage with potential customers, investors, and partners.

Content Marketing

Our content marketing strategies will help you create valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a target audience. This includes blog posts, social media posts, and other types of digital content that educate and inform your audience. Our team will work with you to develop a content marketing plan that aligns with your business goals and objectives.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing your website's visibility and ranking on search engines like Google. Our team of SEO experts will help you optimize your website and content for search engines, making it easier for potential customers and investors to find you online.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for building relationships with your customers and promoting your business. Our team will help you set up and execute an email marketing campaign to reach and engage with your target audience.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a set of tools and techniques that automate repetitive tasks and processes to help you save time and focus on high-value activities. Our team will help you set up and implement marketing automation solutions to streamline your marketing efforts and improve your ROI.

Business Summary

A business summary is a brief overview of your company's history, mission, vision, products, and services. Our team will help you create a comprehensive business summary that effectively communicates your business goals and objectives.

Mission & Vision

Your mission and vision statements outline your company's purpose and future aspirations. Our team will work with you to develop clear and concise mission and vision statements that align with your business goals.

Strategic Positioning

Strategic positioning involves identifying your company's unique selling proposition (USP) and differentiating it from your competitors. Our team will help you develop a strategic positioning plan that sets you apart from the competition and highlights your strengths.

Brand Visual Identity

Your brand visual identity is the visual representation of your company's values and personality. Our team will help you create a consistent and professional brand visual identity that accurately reflects your business and appeals to your target audience.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a tool that helps you assess your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Our team will help you conduct a SWOT analysis to identify areas for improvement and capitalize on opportunities.


Competitor analysis is the process of evaluating your competitors' strengths and weaknesses and understanding their strategies. Our team will help you conduct competitor research and develop a competitor analysis report to inform your business strategy.

Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are fictional characters that represent your ideal customers. Our team will help you create buyer personas that accurately reflect your target audience and inform your marketing strategies.

Goals & KPIs

Goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that measure your business's performance and progress toward its goals. Our team will help you set realistic and achievable goals and KPIs to track your success and make informed decisions.

Tactical Marketing Plan

A tactical marketing plan is a comprehensive plan that outlines your marketing strategies and tactics. Our team will help you develop a tactical marketing plan that aligns with your business goals and outlines the steps and activities required to achieve them.

Go-to-Market Strategy and Sales

At 6success, we believe in starting with a clear understanding of your product or service. This helps in creating an effective go-to-market strategy and sales plan. Our team will work with you to define your product or service, highlighting its unique features and benefits. We will ensure that your product or service is well positioned in the market and appealing to your target audience.

Distribution Channels

Once the product or service is defined, our team will focus on identifying the most suitable distribution channels. We will consider factors such as market reach, cost, and customer preferences when making recommendations. Our goal is to ensure that your product or service is easily accessible to your target audience.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Managing customer relationships is key to the success of any business. Our team will assist in setting up a CRM system that suits your business needs. We will also provide training and support to ensure that you are able to effectively manage customer interactions.


We understand that time is of the essence, especially when it comes to launching your product or service. Our team will work with you to create a timeline for your go-to-market strategy and sales plan. This will help in ensuring that all activities are carried out in a timely manner and that you are able to meet your goals.

Lead Generation Channels

Lead generation is an important aspect of any sales plan. Our team will assist in identifying the most effective lead-generation lead-generation channels for your business. We will also provide recommendations for how to optimize your lead generation activities.

Customer Demographics

Knowing your target audience is critical to the success of any marketing or sales plan. Our team will assist in defining your target audience and their demographics, such as age, gender, income, location, and interests. This information will be used to develop effective marketing and sales strategies.

Market Research

Market research is an important step in the go-to-market strategy and sales plan. Our team will assist in conducting market research to understand the market size, growth potential, customer preferences, and competitors. This information will be used to refine your business model and make informed decisions.

Competitor Analysis

Knowing your competition is crucial to the success of any business. Our team will assist in conducting a competitor analysis, helping you understand their strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas where you can differentiate your product or service.

Business Model Refinement

Based on market research and competitor analysis, our team will assist in refining your business model. We will make recommendations for how to optimize your business model to ensure that it is well-positioned in the market and appealing to your target audience.

Customer Acquisition Strategy

Our team will assist in developing a customer acquisition strategy that is tailored to your business needs. We will consider factors such as customer demographics, lead generation channels, and marketing activities when making recommendations. Our goal is to help you acquire and retain customers effectively.

Goals and KPIs

Setting clear goals and KPIs is critical to the success of any business. Our team will assist in setting achievable goals and KPIs that are aligned with your business objectives. This will help in tracking progress and making informed decisions.

Budget Setup

Budgeting is an important aspect of any sales or marketing plan. Our team will assist in setting up a budget that is aligned with your goals and KPIs. We will also provide recommendations for how to optimize your budget to ensure that you are getting the best value for your investment.

Market Conversation

Our team will assist in conducting market conversations to gather feedback and insights from potential customers.

Market conversation refers to the ongoing dialogue between a company and its target market. This can include market research, competitor analysis, and other strategies to understand the needs and preferences of the target market. At 6success, we assist our clients in this aspect of their post-Letter of Support activities by providing them with the tools and resources they need to effectively communicate with their target market.

Letter of Intent (LOI)

A Letter of Intent (LOI) is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a proposed business agreement or transaction. This document is used to formally express interest in a deal and to signal the intention of the parties involved to move forward with negotiations. 6success provides support in the drafting and negotiating of LOIs to ensure that our clients are able to secure the best possible terms for their businesses.

Sales Strategy

A sales strategy is a plan for how a company will sell its products or services. This includes identifying target customers, determining the best sales channels, and developing a plan for how the sales team will approach and close deals. 6success helps our clients develop a sales strategy that is tailored to their specific business needs and goals.

Inbound / Outbound Sales Setup

Inbound sales refer evolve to the process of attracting customers to your business through various marketing channels, while outbound sales involve actively reaching out to potential customers. 6success provides support in setting up both inbound and outbound sales processes to help our clients generate new business and build relationships with their customers.

Customer Acquisition Services

Customer acquisition refers to the process of attracting new customers to a business. This can include various marketing and sales activities, such as lead generation, customer relationship management (CRM), and customer service. 6success provides a range of customer acquisition services to help our clients grow their customer base and expand their businesses.

Product / Service Catalog Design

A product or service catalog is a comprehensive list of the products or services offered by a company. A well-designed catalog can help businesses attract new customers, retain existing ones, and increase sales. 6success provides support in the design and creation of product and service catalogs to ensure that our clients are able to effectively showcase their offerings to their target market.

Customized Sales Contracts

Customized sales contracts are tailored to the specific needs of a business and the terms of a specific sale. This can include non-disclosure agreements, service contracts, and other legal documents. 6success provides support in the creation of customized sales contracts to ensure that our clients are able to secure the best possible terms for their businesses and protect their interests.

Digitalized Business Plan

A digitalized business plan and business model are crucial components of any successful startup. At 6success, we understand the importance of keeping your business plan and model up-to-date and relevant to the market. Our digitalized business plan and business model services include:

Regular updates to your business plan to reflect the latest market changes

Close monitoring of your startup's performance to ensure the financial plan accurately reflects the financial status of the company Continuous updates to your incubator's business plan based on your startup's progress.

Key Components of a Digitalized Business Plan for the Canada Startup Visa Program

With 6success, you can be confident that your business plan and model are always up-to-date and reflective of your startup's current status. Our team of experts will work closely with you to ensure that your plan is optimized for growth and success, helping to increase your chances of securing funding and expanding your market reach.

Investor and Partner Relationship Management

Our Investor, Partner, & Customer Relationship Management service is designed to help your startup build and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders. We offer various services to help you effectively communicate with and manage your interactions with investors, partners, and customers.

Startup Pitch Presentation & Support

Drafting and Reviewing Letter of Intent (LOI). We will work with you to draft an LOI that communicates the terms and conditions of your proposed business transaction or agreement. We will also review and provide feedback on any LOIs that you receive from potential partners or clients.

A curated List of Investors and VC firms who have invested in similar startups as yours.

Peer Review Support

Our Peer Review Preparation service is designed to help Canadian startups prepare for peer review by the National Angel Capital Organization (NACO) and Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). We offer a range of services to help startups successfully navigate the peer review process and increase their chances of success.

We will provide one-on-one coaching to startups to help them effectively communicate their business ideas and value proposition to the reviewers, and address any potential concerns or questions they may have.

We will review the application materials that startups will be submitting for peer review, including their business plan, financial projections, and any other required documents. We will provide feedback and suggestions for improvement to help increase their chances of success.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping startups succeed in the Canada Startup Visa Program. Whether you need assistance with your business plan, marketing strategy, or securing funding, 6Success has the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your startup succeed in Canada start-up visa journey.


6Success offers comprehensive solutions to support startups in the Canada Startup Visa Program. We have outlined two main plans:

The Canada Startup Visa Program is a complex process, and it is essential for entrepreneurs to have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and the support they need to succeed. This is where 6Success comes in, providing tailored services and support to meet the unique needs of each startup. With years of experience and a team of dedicated professionals, 6Success has the expertise and resources to help startups achieve their goals.

6Success is dedicated to helping immigration lawyers and consultants succeed in this program, providing the necessary services and support to help them achieve their Canada startup visa clients’ goals.

For immigration lawyers and consultants working with startups in the Canada Startup Visa Program, 6Success offers a range of services to support their clients in achieving success.

If you are looking to provide your clients with the best possible support and guidance, reach out to 6Success today to learn more about our services and how we can help.

Keywords: Canada Startup Visa, Founder's Resume, Idea Development and Validation, Designated Organizations, Professional Resume, Immigration Authorities, Key Components, Winning Resume, Credibility and Competency, Relevant Information, Concise, Keywords, Bullet Points, Professional Help.


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