What is an Elevator Pitch?

Elevator Pitch | 6SUCCESS.COM

You've got an idea for a new product or service, but you're stuck. How do you get started? If you can't explain your new business opportunity in an elevator pitch, then you may have trouble getting funding and earning investors. With this step-by-step guide, you'll be able to create that amazing elevator pitch without too much difficulty.

An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you can give in the time it takes to ride in an elevator. You can use an elevator pitch to introduce yourself, describe your product or service, and convey the benefits of your business. It is a great way to get people interested in your idea or product and easily explain it to them. The length of an elevator pitch varies depending on what product or service you are pitching. Generally, a 30-second pitch is considered ideal. However, to be safe, create your elevator pitch the night before you need it and practice with different audiences and at different times of day.

What are the best practices to follow when writing an elevator pitch? People who write an elevator pitch need to be creative, creative and creative. Don't limit yourself. Think of creative ways to describe your product or service and remember, an elevator pitch should be brief.

Elevator pitch and elevator speech are different. An elevator pitch should describe your business in a way that a stranger on an elevator can understand. It should be short, concise and easy to remember. An elevator speech should be longer. It should describe a product or service in detail and should include the benefits of your product or service.

What is it used for and why do you need an elevator pitch?

It's great for advertising and marketing your business, especially in the early stages. You can use it when you are looking for investors, a job or an employee, or asking for ideas or feedback. For your business, you can use it as an introduction. It will also get people excited about what you are doing and how you are doing it. It's like a summary of what you do, although it doesn't have to be limited to the product or service itself. You can also use it to attract investors, encourage people to become volunteers or donate money to your cause, or recruit new employees. You can also use it to inspire people, even if you don't have to sell them on anything. In an interview, for example, you can use it to get the interviewer's attention ; or for your restaurant or bakery, use it as a way to attract customers.

Prepare for Elevator Pitch | 6SUCCESS.COM

How to prepare for the pitch?

The best way to deliver your elevator pitch is to practice it beforehand. This will help you to stay calm and confident when you give it. Make sure to keep it short and to the point, and to focus on what makes your business unique. How do you practice the follow up?

Practice talking about your business for a few minutes each day. It's best to do this either in front of a mirror or to a friend, family member, or coach. After you've practiced your pitch a few times, you can try it on someone new and see how they react. If you are using an iPad or tablet to record your pitch, be sure to have an extra battery on hand. Practice with different time intervals between when you have to give your pitch. Before you practice the pitch, make sure you know what is in it. A great way to practice is to use the following steps:

1. List all of the benefits of your product or service .

2. Describe the problem that your product or service solves for your customer.

3. How does your product or service solve this problem?

4. List as many benefits of your product or service as you can think of.

5. What are the three most important reasons your customer will purchase your product or service?

6. Identify the decision that your customer will need to make to purchase your product or service .

7. In what condition will your customer buy your product or service?

8. Why would your customer choose your product or service over another?

9. What emotions will your customer feel when they purchase your product or service?

10. How many people does your product or service help?

Improve your Elevator Pitch | 6SUCCESS.COM

How to improve your elevator pitch?

Here are a few tips for improving your elevator pitch:

1. Keep it brief – You only have a few seconds to make a good impression, so keep your pitch short and to the point.

2. Be clear and concise – Make sure your pitch is easy to understand, and avoid using jargon or technical terms.

3. Sell yourself – Explain why you and your business are good and unique. Tell them why they need you.

4. Show enthusiasm – Be excited about your product or service, and let them know why you're enthusiastic.

5. Don't sound like you're giving a speech - be subtle, and let the other person be a part of the conversation. Ask questions, give facts, and make it seem like it's just a natural part of the discussion.

6. Be positive – Focus on your business or product's strengths, and don't try to point out what's wrong with your competition.

7. Offer a genuine solution – Many people like to talk about their problems and are interested in hearing about potential solutions. The elevator pitch takes advantage of this by providing a brief overview of a problem and your solution.

8. Know what you want – Use your head and don't expect someone to hand over the money. Instead, ask what your client's wants.

9. Know when to back off and end with call to action – Just because you're interested doesn't mean that your audiences will be too. Before finishing, a call to action is a good idea in your elevator pitch so they can follow un in the future.

10. Be prepared – Make sure that you're prepared to give a good sales pitch. Practice it before the big day.

Elevator pitch examples

An elevator pitch is an excellent way to make a great first impression and get your business noticed. It should be brief, clear, and concise. It should also be interesting enough to capture the listener's attention. Here are a few examples of elevator pitches:

“The average office worker receives 304 emails per week. They also attend an average of 62 monthly meetings, half of which they consider ‘wasted time’. Slack was made to make work more efficient. It organizes conversations by channels and drastically reduces the need for emails or meetings. It’s integrated with 100s of productivity tools like Google Docs, Calendars, Email, Dropbox, Zoom… so you can receive automatic notifications and take action without leaving the interface.”

- Slack via slidebean -

“There are 40MM independent workers in the US: consultants, freelancers, and small business owners. Solving office space is tough and expensive, especially in cities like New York. We created the concept of space as a service. We have 20 locations in the city- where people can rent a desk or an office without any of the complications of a traditional lease, effectively saving at least 25% of the cost. They get access to a shared front desk, mailroom, and a community of like-minded people.”

- WeWork via slidebean -

“I’m Brian Pendergraft, Esq., and I am a full-service real estate and title attorney. I help with ABCDEF: agreements, business entity formation, closings and title, deeds, evictions, and foreclosure. For all of your real estate legal needs, it’s as simple as ABC; work with me.”

- The Pendergraft Firm: Law office; Greenbelt, Maryland via Keap.com -


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